Crown of barenziah mod
Crown of barenziah mod

You can loot all the food lying around, and you can get your sneak skill up by attacking the only person left there, Razelan. (You can also hit Tilde, type in tcl, hit Tilde again, and go through the locked doors into the kitchen and also into the main hall where the party was held. You can go all the way up to the room where the Stone is. Go around to the back yard to the door where you left the main building and enter the building from there. Once there, you can pick the gate open, there are about 3 Thalmor in the front yard and about 3 in back. You can also find this by going back to Thalmor Embassy by fast travel. You have to find this during or after the main quest: Diplomatic Immunity. Thalmor Embassy: Pre Patch 1.5: In Elenwen's Solar in the Thalmor Embassy, in one of the bedrooms. Solitude( Blue Palace): The stone is on the shelf in Jarl Elisif the Fair's quarters.ģA.

crown of barenziah mod

Once completed, talk to Jarl Elisif and she will allow you to buy property in Solitude.

crown of barenziah mod

(Must first complete the quest " The Man Who Cried Wolf" by talking to Falk Firebeard who can be found within the Blue Palace. Solitude ( Proudspire Manor): Purchase the Proudspire Manor in Solitude and it will be in the master bedroom.

crown of barenziah mod

You may have to be a full member of the Thieves Guild before she will speak to you.ġ. After you have acquired one Barenziah Stone, you can get it appraised by Vex at the Ragged Flagon in Riften.

Crown of barenziah mod