“Players should always be faced with choices,” Ka’ai Cluney said. Although you’re locked to certain abilities based around your clan, you’re still free to choose your character’s evolution to an extent. Combat-focused players will want to dump points into weapon accuracy and agility while diplomatically-minded players will choose to add points to charm and speech skills. As you level up, you’ll gain points you can then assign to different skills and attributes depending on your preferred playstyle and clan affiliation. Like the tabletop game that spawned it, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is a deep and complex Role Playing Game. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 gameplay This gives you an edge over your more powerful brethren. However, you’re also able to possess various abilities full-bloods cannot. As a thinblood, you’re technically weaker than a full-blooded vampire. Some disciplines are exclusive to clans while others are available no matter which clan you side with. This includes abilities that let you turn into a bat or ones that give you telekinetic powers.

In addition to clans, there are several disciplines (vampire powers) to choose from. Lastly, the Malkavians can see glimpses of the future, though this causes many of the clan to become insane. Toreador clan are beautiful vampires who use their looks to seduce both friend and foe alike. The Tremere clan wields vampiric blood magic that makes even fellow blood-suckers tremble. On the opposite end is the Venture clan, who are all about using diplomacy and deception to get their way. The Bruja clan are loud and brash attention-seekers who resolve conflicts through violence. But that’s also part of the fun of Bloodlines 2. Of course, siding with one clan will inevitably place you in conflict with its rivals. As a thinblood, you’re free to join any of the available clans. Like the humans they feast on, vampires have their own distinct groups vying for control. A player that moves through the world unconventionally needs to learn how to read that world unconventionally, and a lot of effort is made to make sure the player really does start to think like, and be, a vampire.” Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 clans and disciplines He continued, “In a practical sense, ‘Be a Vampire’ – among other things – guides our approach to how the player moves through the world, both in terms of player systems such as traversal, how we support those systems through level design, and how we communicate all of that to the player through other devices, such as Lighting or User Interface.